DADS!!! It doesn't get any easier than this.
Grab your free printable from and have your kids fill it out. If you have a color printer you could print it in pink. If you don't have a color printer or you want your kids to color it in themselves print it in black & white like Alex did.
Since the girls are only 3 they can't write their own answers yet. Alex asked them each the questions on the page and wrote down what they said, even when it didn't make a whole lot of sense! Some of the questions include:
- the child's age
- mom's age
- mom's favorite food
- something mom says all the time
- mom's favorite hobby
This is a quick and easy way to get mom to laugh and see what her kids really think of her. Check out this video of the girls filling out their forms, coloring them and giving them to me the next day.
For the record, I do say "say please" a lot, but I'm a heck of a lot older than 2 years old!
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