
Zara has two teeth! I think baby teeth might be the cutest thing I've ever seen.

For months now we've thought the girls were teething. I thought for sure Violet would have visible teeth first. Maybe because she's bigger or more drooly than Zara. Or maybe I just wanted her to do something first because I feel bad that Zara always "advances" before she does. Whatever the reason for my hopes of Violet cutting teeth first - Zara beat her to it.

Last Sunday Zara was cranky. Like next. level. cranky. She didn't want to be held but she didn't want to be on the ground, the bouncer, in the pack n' play or in the swing. You can see how this severely limits my options. She was screaming and waving her arms around in the air like a bad 90s dance move. I ended up nestling her next to me on the couch, kinda squished between the couch cushions and my legs so she couldn't roll. She laid there jabbering and chomping on a munch mitt for hours. I was relieved the screaming had stopped and Nigel was pleased to be able to lay on my lap supervising the baby and getting some pets. It turned into a good afternoon. Two days later there were two teeth sticking out of her bottom gum.

Violet has been a drooly monster for several months now. I always thought I would find drool disgusting because when you hold someone else's kid and they drool on you your first instinct is yuck. I guess once you become a mom you don't care anymore? Or maybe you're just glad it's drool and not vomit? I was sure the drool had to be leading to teeth. I'm pretty sure I can see white lines under Violet's bottom gum but I could 100% be making that up due to wishful thinking. The kid's been drooling all over herself and me for the last four months. Some teeth would at least make me feel better about the drool stains while out in public!

Both of the girls have had fevers since the weekend. I stayed home with them Monday because they can't go to day care with fevers. They were model children all day Monday. I took them to the doctor just because the degree of fever was concerning. Zara's was around 101.7 before Tylenol kicked in and Violets was over 102. The highest her temp got was 102.9 on Sunday night. That kinda scares the crap out of a new mom. The doctor laughed and said "These kids are not sick." Well, yeah. They didn't appear sick. They had no fever while on infant tylenol and were acting 100% normal - jabbering, laughing, rolling around, eating plenty, having normal and frequent diapers, grabbing at everything and putting absolutely everything in their mouths. The doc said their fevers were too high to be just teething and that they probably caught a virus, but I'm not convinced. The lack of any other symptoms has me scratching my head. Violet stayed home with Alex yesterday because she still had a fever of 100.8 in the morning. Today they both woke up fever-free and went to day care.

If they are just teething they are funny teethers. Sometimes they are fussy and will chew on a munch mitt or teething ring and other times they are completely content and show no sign of pain in the mouth. And then other times they scream their little heads off for seemingly no reason. Nothing can console them and they eventually just fall asleep, like the effort of teething is just too much for them and a nap or good night's sleep will fix it. (I mean naps fix everything so their logic is sound.)  This third option usually happens around bed time so part of me just assumes they are tired and their behavior has nothing to do with teething and everything to do with just needing to go to bed. People talk about how awful teething is. Maybe we're just not there yet. Maybe we're literally just cutting the surface of how terrible teething can be and my well behaved, happy children are going to turn into monsters over night. Let's hope that's not the case. And if it is, can the monster phase maybe wait until after the holidays?
