What's Wrong With Your Face?

"What's wrong with your face?" Five endearing words my husband uttered a few weeks ago.

Approximately 4 weeks ago I stopped wearing make-up. It takes time and effort and frankly I have neither of those at my disposal. It takes me longer to get ready in the morning now because just moving and existing is hard sometimes and I'm operating on less than optimal sleep on a daily basis due to the fact that the babies want me to wake up sometime between 4 & 5 nightly now to use the restroom or just stare at the ceiling willing sleep to consume me once again. Also add in the fact that it takes a solid five minutes to put compression socks on - make up just didn't make the cut.

A few people commented that I looked tired in those first few days sans make up, which was not untrue, but it's amazing what make up can cover that I was just leaving out there for the world to observe. I've never had big baggy circles under my eyes and I don't really get dark circles/spots either. I more so just look like I'm asleep standing up. The skin around my eyes is a pinkish hue. Not raised or dry or anything really, just sort of pink. I honestly couldn't tell you if this is a result of pregnancy or if the skin around my eyes has always been sort of pink. I guess I just never noticed before.

After a few days people stopped asking if I was tired. I guess they got used to my naked face or just assumed that I was tired and didn't ask. I woke up one morning and looked in the mirror - What is THAT!? A vein had surfaced under my left eye. It looked as if I was punched in the eye a couple weeks ago and the bruise was almost healed leaving my skin just slightly off color with a hint of blue/green to it. Maybe no one will notice.

I was drying my hair when Alex walked around the corner. We made eye contact. "What's wrong with your face?" he said. So much for no one noticing. I put concealer under both eyes (couldn't have one being all concealed and the other being slightly pink now could I?) and went to work. For the next week I put concealer on with no other make up just to cover up this new addition to my face. One morning I forgot. Around lunch time I was talking to one of the accountants and she said with a very concerned look on her face, "Oh what happened to your eye?" "Nothing," I said. "Just pregnancy. Everything swells up I guess and veins start popping out of places you never thought they would."

I haven't worn concealer since. Who cares if I have a visible vein on my face? It will go away. The daily nose bleeds have slowed down. I only get one every couple of days now. I'm still congested but I'm used to it now. These symptoms come and go but none of them will last forever. May as well embrace it.

I lied. I wore concealer and a full face of make up for my baby shower last weekend. I wanted to feel pretty :) And I will wear concealer tomorrow for my maternity photo shoot - Nothing wrong with a little vanity, right?
