Spoiled Rotten

I work for an incredible company. When I first started there over a year ago I was shocked to learn how many women are in management and prominent roles because I was just so used to there being more men than women in the workplace. The work environment is very encouraging and supportive and does not demean or look down on women for choosing to have careers and children. There are so many strong, powerful, beautiful women that work with me and I admire them all so much.

A couple weeks ago they all showed up at my desk with a big crate full to the brim of gifts for me. They called it a bump box. (new term for me) They had each contributed specific items with me in mind, things that either helped them a lot when they were pregnant themselves or things they have seen other friends or family use.

Here is a list of all the goodies:
-        A robe for wearing in the hospital post delivery so you feel somewhat cute when people are there to see you and the babies and you’d really rather be sleeping.
-        A gift card to buy some maternity clothes
-        A gift card for a 3D ultrasound or a massage (or other services at a place called Becoming Mom)
-        Mama Llama socks (!!!)
-        Big ole box of loose-leaf tea – each one designed with a certain purpose – one for upset stomach, one to help improve balance, one to induce sleep, one to relieve stress, etc. I’ve only tried a few so far but they have all been delicious – and decaf too!
-        A llama mug to accompany the tea
-        Bath salts, lotion and bubble bath, all intended to relieve stress, ease swelling and help me fall asleep.
-        A little porcelain llama
-        Llama Llama Nighty-Night (book)
-        A necklace with a momma elephant guiding two baby elephants (never taking it off! Separate post on elephants coming soon!)
-        And of course, the crate, which I’m sure will come in handy for toys or books in the nursery.

I was completed blown away by their generosity and the thought that went into this gift by each one of them. Feeling the weight of their love for me and these babes was overwhelming. And even more important than the physical gifts is how much they care. Everyone is always asking me how I'm feeling or if they can get me anything. One of my District Managers even shuts her door when she eats lunch because of my food/smell aversions - if that isn't genuine thoughtfulness, I don't know what is! 

That same day the ladies from HR came over with a name plate that says “The Future is Female” because indeed it is. My girls are gonna run the world.
