Old News, New Me

So once upon a time I wrote a really long blog about how i got a tattoo. It was informative, witty, and fun. Then i lost it due to technical difficulties and my current hair color and was not feeling informative, witty or fun any longer so as to re-write said blog. That was 3 weeks ago. Now it is no longer fresh, new and exciting news for probably any of you... But in case you have been living under a rock somewhere, come out and read this post so you know where, what, and why i have a tatt. I'll try to keep this brief...

I have wanted a tattoo for several years. But i could never come up with the perfect design and I thought my parents would disown me if I got ink so I just kept piercing things instead as a tattoo distractor. I now have 7 piercings and that is enough for me. So my mind went back to the tattoo idea. I had always thought i would get some sort of tattoo that put my music and faith together into one. But then I came to Peru and started teaching music at San Pablo and realized that I am incredibly selfish about my music. At Calvin I was singing for me. Here I learned the value of my skills and the joy it can bring others through teaching. I realized that the reason I could never create the perfect music and jesus combination of a tattoo was because they were not connected. I used the piercings excuse to distract myself from what i inevitably knew to be true. My music was mine, not God's. After 4 months of selflessly serving I've given my music back to God. That being said I started thinking on tattoo ideas that would encompass my time here and my new self discoveries. After much deliberation and sketching I came up with the simple yet perfect design of a llama.

So, why a llama? I've got a couple reasons for you.

1. Why not? First of all, llama is just a cool word. Say it 5 times fast and try not to smile. Seriously, try it.

2. A llama tattoo at first glance is seemingly random, as am I. I wanted something that embodied my personality. If you know me at all you know i'm a little odd. Of course this makes me endearing, but i wanted a tattoo as weird yet awesome as I am. The llama seemed to fit.

3. Llamas are so chill. Have you ever seen a llama? All they do is sit and eat and enjoy their lives. Now i'm not saying I want to have a lazybum life. I'm just saying I want to be chill. My life at Calvin (and ever since early high school really) was crazy. i was controlled by my schedule and I hated it. I had no me time, no quiet time, no God time. I thought I liked the control of a routine until I spent 4 months in Peru where there is no such thing as a schedule and time is entirely flexible. I realized that there is so much more enjoyment in life when you are not run by it. I got the llama to remind me to be chill, to never surrender to my schedule, and to just enjoy life. My new life motto is "keep it llama."

4. This particular llama holds meaning for me. It is from the movie Emperor's New Groove. For those of you who have not seen the movie it is about the Emperor of Cusco who is a selfish tool and is accidentally turned into a llama. Of course he learns the error of his ways, is turned back into a human and everyone lives happily ever after as all good cartoons should end... But my llama is the llama on the poison bottle that turns the emperor into a llama. This life is poisonous. It is so easy to get sucked up into our own lives and selfish needs that we forget there is a world out there in need. I got the llama to remind me of the poison of this world and my past selfishness. Like the Emperor of Cusco, I've learned my lesson and intend to live happily ever after.

5. The llama is a symbol of Peru. You see them everywhere. Therefore, it will remind me of this country and all my crazy wild fun experiences here.

6. The llama is an important symbol in the ancient indigenous religions of peru. I realize that their ancient version of religion is no where near christianity, but follow me here. They have lots of gods in their religion, but I only have one God. This little llama will remind me to keep my faith strong. I may not believe in the llama as some of the people here do. But I believe in my God and this tatt will remind me to never loose sight of my God.

7. My family.... Papi works at Incalpaca. Alpacas are in the same family as llamas. So inadvertently I will remember my family and all the memories we shared together through my tatt.

Ok, so I know some of you were like "why on earth do you have a llama tattoo?" I hope now that you see the significance behind it. This was in no way shape or form a snap decision. It was well thought out and planned. His name is Lyle Llama. I placed him on my right shoulder facing out so he can see the world as i see it. And when i get old and don't want everyone and their sister to see Lyle he is in an easily cover-up-able spot. I love Lyle and i hope you'll learn to love him too. This study abroad experience has taught me oh so much about myself, my language, my God, and the things I take for granted every single day in the states. Lyle will remind me of all of those things daily.

Keeping it llama,
