
I leave tomorrow. TOMORROW. I'm currently in Grand Rapids counting away the hours until I am driven to the Grand Rapids Airport to fly away to a country that I know next to nothing about... I didn't do my homework in preparing for this trip. Perhaps I'll get some material to read on the plane.

Today I am tired. I packed all day yesterday fretting I was forgetting something important and went to see "The Help" with mom as a last huzzah before leaving. It was a REALLY good movie. If you know me, you know I don't get emotionally attached to movies (or life in general...) but this one made me laugh AND cry. I might have to purchase it when it comes out.

I am in a funk - a pre school year funk. It happens every year because I dread going back to school. But this year it is worse than usual because I am dreading the unknown. My friend Alena told me this yesterday: "Just think, you are held in the hands of the lord who created all these nations. He knows you and protects you and He loves you. We worry because we are not in control but why should we worry when we know who is? Seek comfort in the truth." She set my soul at ease in an instant as I sat and reflected on the thought that God is in control of all of this and he is in the midst of my discomfort and fears. I am taking baby steps towards happiness but it is a slow process. I'm trying to keep the freaking out to a minimum which is also halting all other emotions. I am like a zombie today. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

My grandma and grandpa Detweiler called me on the drive up to G.Rap today and showered me in love and encouragement. They are so excited for me and this new opportunity and as my grandpa prayed over me for several minutes the tears silently streamed down my face. They are such a blessing.

God has been gracious to surrounded me with friends and family (esp. today) who love me. So thank you to all of you who took time to see me before I left and those of you who are praying for me and sending me notes of encouragement. I know I will need your love and prayers throughout this entire experience and I can't wait to share with you the things God reveals to me over the next 4 months about this country, these people, and the transformation He is working inside my heart. My emotions are running high, but God is Higher.

Clinging to Christ,


  1. Your worries and jitters are normal. But I KNOW you will be a blessing to all that meet you. I'll be praying for you, Elicia Cisne!! ♥


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