I wasn't aware I signed up for this

Today I went to the university for my first choir practice. There were supposed to be three or four of us going but by 10 o'clock no one else was there so I bravely (yet timidly) entered the room by myself. I introduced myself to the director and said that the director of the Calvin program had talked with him about me joining the choir. He asked for my name. I said Erin and his eyes lit up. "Will you talk with me a moment in the hallway?" he asked (in espanol of course). I followed him out of the class room and into the hall thinking maybe he was going to tell me there had been some sort of mix up and I wasn't allowed to join after all... quite the opposite. He introduced himself and thanked me graciously for being so willing to join and help the choir this semester - "help?" i said. "why yes! You will sing the solos in the mass and help me lead the choir and teach the parts. The sopranos need a lot of help with technique. You're a soprano, no?" "yes" i replied. "Great! We'll start sectionals now. Let me get you your music." So I was given music (a quite difficult mozart mass that I've never studied just heard performed before) and shown to the room I would be working with the sopranos. "And where is the piano?" i asked. He laughed. There is no piano. He gave me a starting pitch and was gone. And so for 3 hours I worked with the sopranos in broken spanish and lots of gestures to get my point across. My sight reading skills were definitely tested but no one seemed annoyed by my method of teaching them. I guess you could call it a success. I mean, it wasn't a complete failure and I walked away with hope that I could learn this music and the spanish words I need to effectively teach it and by the end of the semester I will have those sopranos singing this mass backwards in their sleep.

My voice just might save me and help me make some Peruvian friends with similar interests as me. Gracias a Dios!



  1. Erin,
    I am so proud that you can use your amazing musical talents abroad! Tu voz cantando es un regalo de Dios!
    Amy S.

  2. So happy that all is well! Great story. I told you your Spanish is better than you thought! ♥


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